Thursday, September 29, 2011

Time to pretend

Even though we still have over a month to go before Halloween (my favorite holiday of all time), I started to think about potential costume options last night.  I usually have some notion of what I want to go as by now, or I can easily think of someone/thing, but I’m afraid this year I might resort back to just getting the cutest thing from Party City.  Now it’s been four years since I’ve done this so I don’t feel so guilty handy over the reins to ‘professionals’, it’s just that there aren’t any current celebrities who are both interesting and not totally played out.  I managed to jump on the Playboy bunny, Amy Winehouse (RIP), Lady Gaga and Katy Perry ideas before any of them had gotten (too) obnoxious…I would like to pause and complain about the incessant sniffing from the middle-aged man in casual clothes who came all the way to Starbucks to dink around on his ipad.  As both a germaphobe and someone who is annoyed by people that flash their stupid toys in my face, I’m this close to moving or better yet, asking him to.  Can you tell it’s Thursday by my feistiness? 
Okay, now where was I?  Before you think that I’m one of those girls who just wants to look cute and glamorous at Halloween, let me just take this time to tell you that yes, you are exactly right about that.  I am not ashamed, and I think I speak for a lot of women when I say that I am going to take full advantage of my 20s in that way.  Unlike those pampered housewives with full-time nannies and a bachelor’s in interior design who married financial analysts two or fewer years out of Alabama, Ole Miss, <insert SEC school here>, I will not be able to dedicate my time to staying borderline anorexic by playing tennis, pretending to break a sweat on the elliptical, oh and not eating anything but salmon salads and diet coke.  I will still be eating real people food and I’m sure drinking roughly the same amount, so when my metabolism falls out (oh please be kind!), and I can’t dress up as a ‘sexy mailwoman’ anymore, I will be glad I had circa 2011 ;)  <update> Mr. Sniffles has left the building, success!
And now for a Halloween pic: 

Ohh Gumby...

*and on that note, I will be posting pics from Halloweens past over the course of the next month    
so stay tuned!

Let's just call it the weekend Angels--go celebrate with a delicious meal, satisfying beverage, and
someone(s) that truly enriches your life.  We deserve it!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Back for more...

Good morning angels! (Oh wow, I know…haha)

So last night while lying in bed I was thinking about the types of guys I tend to attract.  They’re usually fairly intelligent, if not neurotic, awkwardly funny, and on the short side—no big problem there since I’m hardly model-height myself.  Oh my God, did I just describe Woody Allen?  A little bitchier and with more of an affinity for snapping nude pics and just call me Scar-Jo ;) 
Here’s the thing though, I am attracted to these guys for one over-arching reason: self-preservation.  They tend to be more open, honest, and generally better communicators than the average 20 or 30 something.  Yea, right.  As I’m currently experiencing with Mr. Wonderful #...blahblah, this comforting quality, like looks and in his case HAIR, is fleeting.  That’s what I loved liked about you: if I was being a little crazy, you told me—in a sweet, you’re only young once/ live and learn kind of way.  And after all, I don’t judge you for all your shortcomings and flaws (not out-loud anyway).

TOPIC #2: Fluff of the Week::
Some things I can currently endorse: 
(1) Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe on the cover of October’s Vogue.
While I initially had my doubts when I heard she was going to be portraying arguably the most beautiful woman of all time, I have been made into a believer after looking through the magazine’s gorgeous spread.  Slide #5 is my favorite, backless dresses are so exquisite—backs are very sexy and under-rated.  My grandmother used to tell me that I had a pretty neck and I always thought that was such a weird compliment but now I get it.  Long, gently sloping necks and backs are the picture of old-fashioned elegance and grace.
(2) OPI’s mini sets at ULTA—namely the Touring America collection.
Too pricey to buy any and every shade, the miniature collections solve this problem by giving you enough for multiple uses in 4 bold and unique colors.  This is the perfect way to add to your inventory without breaking the bank, and as anyone who knows me will agree, I am a geography NERD so I very much enjoyed the cheese factor of the names.  I am currently wearing ‘Honk if you love OPI’ (a luxurious plum) on one hand and ‘French Quarter for your thoughts’ (my first experimentation with grey—can’t say that being named after my favorite city on the planet didn’t influence my decision somewhat…) on the other. 
            Now go pick your new shade:
(3) The Season Opener of SNL           
I am hardly Alec Baldwin’s number 1 fan; his name still elicits flashbacks of his manic tirade, wherein he called his 11-year-old daughter a ‘pig’—sweet parenting!  However, this episode still had some laugh-out-loud moments, and while the maracas were a bit much, Radiohead is always entertaining and innovative, obviously.  My choice for best skit of the night has to go to the Top Gun audition outtakes.  I don’t know how people think of this stuff, amazing.  Kudos.
            Watch it here:

Okay, that’s all for now.  Go enjoy this beautiful day!  I’m going home to walk Georgie, who, by the way, is the MOST loving puppy you’ll ever meet.  All she wants is to be held and cuddle…Carli’s sweetest Angel ;) See y’all next time!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 1...I promise these will get better

Once upon a time I was not spending my days in coffee shops and my evenings catering to the needs of an adorable puppy.  How did I get here?  Two words: law school.  How will I get out?  Avoid all the people, places and habits that became so familiar during my time in the prison on 1 Front Street, Memphis 10. 

Now this is not to say that new and different mistakes won’t be made; HOWEVER, like the Sheryl Crow song and Julia Roberts, armed with a WonderBra immortalized ‘I get a little bit closer’.  While I may never be a federal judge (damn.), I feel more free and excited about the possibilities, as well as more confident in my own Abilities, than I have since I graduated college…in a lot of ways it’s probably been longer than that.  So…positive #1: detected!

 More positives that didn’t exist before my beloved pooch, Georgina (and no, she’s not named after Michelle Trachtenburg via Gossip Girl) was born mere months ago:: (1) I hadn’t met the very sweet, selfless and caring man—Chris—who I now log more hours of sheer effortless comfort with than any of the boys before him; and (2) I was much more passive than I am today.  This ultimately has to do with the fact that this time last year I didn’t truly have a cause to fight for.  I, like every other law first-year law student, was going with the motions.  The motions?  Drive an hour (I’m the minority here, no bitterness…), go to class, read, go to more class, stick around and binge drink (See: Thursdays), drive home, read until I go to sleep. REpeat. 

Do I regret this?  No.  Without this I might miss that time in my life more!  While eating countless noodle bowls and couch surfing or living out of my car might not sound very glamorous, what made it all seem worthwhile was the notion that I was learning…growing somehow.  But there was something else, and that was the people.  This brings me to the 2nd biggest reason I do NOT miss what once was, and that is the abandonment and betrayal I feel from 99% of my old ‘friends’.  Sarah Kate, if you’re reading this, I thank you.  I cherish your loyalty and courage to be your own person—not a common trait in the professional school sector.  Margaritas once every couple weeks is all you need to do to show you care. 

Sentiment of the day:  Never give up and never lose hope; the strong survive. 

Opinion of the day:  Ron Paul 2012!!!  The only candidate that’s not afraid to be 100% honest and candid.  Ahhh, refreshing!

Stay tuned, and gimmie your feedback!

<3 All my love <3